OIBSIP (Oasis Infobyte Tech Internship Projects)

Welcome to my tech internship repository for Oasis Infobyte! This repository showcases the Level 1 tasks completed during my internship.

Tasks Completed

  1. Task 1: Landing Page
    • Developed a landing page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to promote a fictional product. Included responsive design and interactive elements.
    • here is the live page - https://movie-booking-site-three.vercel.app/
  2. Task 2: Portfolio
    • Created a personal portfolio website to showcase skills, projects, and contact information. Designed with a clean layout using Bootstrap framework.
    • portfolio link - https://oibsip-chi-beryl.vercel.app/
  3. Task 3: Temperature Converter Website
    • Built a web application that converts temperatures between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. Implemented using JavaScript for calculations and user interface.

Repository Structure

Each task folder contains project files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) used for development. Explore each folder for specific task details and project resources.

Feel free to explore the repository and check out the projects I’ve worked on during my internship. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out.